Children are expected to wear school uniform and enjoy our colour of royal blue. They wear items
from within the following range:
Royal blue sweatshirts, cardigans and fleece jackets, bearing the school logo.
Gold polo shirts with or without the school logo.
Other items of uniform include:
Bookbag and PE bag
All of the above can be bought from PMG uniform shop in New Milton. However, parents are able to purchase uniform from any retailer, such as Tesco, Sainsbury's M&S. Second hand uniform is available from the school office.
Please ensure you child has sensible black shoes, eg Clark’s leather school shoes or similar (not boots). High heels, open toed sandals or sling backs are not allowed, as they can be a safety hazard. Please do not purchase lace up shoes unless your child is able to tie laces independently
What about P.E. and Games?
All children are expected to change into different clothes for reasons of hygiene, safety and comfort. Your child will need:
Hair Styles
Extremes of hairstyles are not permitted and hair should be grade 3 or above in length and not have patterns or ridges shaved into it, in line with the policy at Ashley Junior School and The Arnewood School.